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Independent Living versus 55+ Retirement Communities  

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When considering senior living options, understanding the differences between independent living communities and 55+ retirement communities is crucial for finding the right fit for your lifestyle and needs. “Senior living” is a broad category that includes various community types for 55 and above adults, and can include CCRC’s, assisted living, and long-term care communities.  

Independent living communities specifically cater to active, healthy adults who seek a vibrant, engaging environment with minimal assistance, emphasizing a maintenance-free lifestyle with ample social and recreational opportunities. In contrast, 55+ retirement communities, while also designed for older adults, may not offer the same level of amenities and services geared toward active living. Choosing between these options is essential to ensure your living environment supports your desired lifestyle and future needs. 1 

What is Independent Living?   

Independent living communities offer a lifestyle option for older adults who wish to maintain their independence while enjoying the benefits of a larger community. These communities provide a carefree living environment where residents can focus on their favorite activities without the burdens of daily chores such as housekeeping, lawn care, and home maintenance. Typically, amenities in independent living include meal services, housekeeping, social activities, and recreational opportunities, fostering an active and engaging lifestyle.  

Ideal candidates for independent living are active older adults who want to maximize their leisure time and engage with a vibrant community of peers. This lifestyle allows them to enjoy their passions and friendships while knowing that their needs for maintenance and daily responsibilities are taken care of. 2,3 

What is a 55+ Community? 

A 55 plus community is designed for individuals aged 55 and older, offering a low-maintenance lifestyle with a variety of amenities and services. These communities typically feature clubhouses, fitness centers, and a range of social and recreational activities to foster a strong sense of community and engagement among residents. Common amenities may include groundskeeping, community events, and facilities managed by a homeowner’s association, which often oversees services like lawn care and sanitation.  

Ideal candidates for 55+ communities are older adults who are capable of living independently and desire to reside in an age restricted, vibrant, socially active environment. These communities provide the perfect blend of private living with the added benefits of communal amenities and a supportive neighborhood atmosphere. 2,3 

Independent Living vs. 55+ Communities: 5 Key Differences 

While independent living and 55+ retirement communities are similar in providing low-maintenance lifestyles and community engagement for older adults, here are a few key differences to help you determine which option might be best for you. 


Independent living communities offer a stress-free and maintenance-free lifestyle with staff members ready to assist with home upkeep and maintenance, cooking and cleaning, transportation services, technology access and support, community and fitness events, and various dining and meal options. 

55+ communities provide the convenience of maintenance services for the building, apartment, or grounds, such as snow removal, yard work, or grass care. However, they don’t provide housekeeping, meals, or laundry services.  2,4 


Independent living offers a packed calendar of engaging activities and various amenities often including fitness centers, on-site dining options, beauty salons, community gathering spaces, movie theaters, libraries, walking paths, happy hours, etc. – ensuring there’s never a shortage of ways to spend your days.  

55+ communities’ amenities may vary in availability and quality, with offerings such as clubhouses for planned social activities, catering to niche interests and fostering socialization among like-minded residents. 2,4 

Access to Care 

Independent living communities often provide safety and security features like a 24-hour medical alert system and emergency response programs, ensuring residents’ well-being. Additionally, these communities can operate as Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs), enabling residents to transition seamlessly to assisted living, skilled nursing, or memory care as necessary. 

55+ communities typically cater to healthy, active older adults without offering direct medical care. 1,3 

Housing Types 

Independent living communities typically feature villas, cottages, or apartments, with residents often renting, although some may offer ownership options.   

55+ communities offer a range of housing options including single-family homes, condo-style buildings, townhomes, or apartments, with residents having the choice to own or rent their property. These are often governed by a homeowner’s association (HOA) with associated fees and limited flexibility in selling. 2,4 


Independent living communities typically involve a one-time entrance fee and monthly service fees, which cover home maintenance, cable, telephone, utilities, and more. 

55+ communities can have varying costs depending on whether you buy or rent your property, with potential expenses including mortgage, taxes, utilities, HOA fees, services, amenities, and other housing factors like location and square footage. 2,4 

Choosing a Senior Living Community 

When choosing senior living options, it’s important to understand the differences between independent living and 55+ retirement communities to find the best fit for your lifestyle. Independent living communities cater to active seniors seeking a maintenance-free lifestyle with abundant social and recreational opportunities, while 55+ retirement communities offer low-maintenance living for like-minded individuals, but with fewer services and amenities. This distinction is crucial to ensure your living environment supports your desired level of activity and future needs. 

[1] “The Differences between Senior Living, Retirement Communities, Independent Living, and 55+ Communities.” WesleyLife, WesleyLife, 25 Apr. 2023, 

[2] Village, Bethany. The Difference between Independent Living & 55+ Communities, 9 Dec. 2022, 

[3] “Independent Living vs. Retirement Communities.” Sunrise, Accessed 22 May 2024. 

[4] “55+ Communities vs Independent Living: How Do They Differ? Five Star Senior Living.” Five Star Senior Living, Five Star Senior Living, 3 Nov. 2023, 

The information provided in the article is for general informational purposes only. This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, you are encouraged to consult with the appropriate professionals. 

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